Plantar Plate Tears Vs Neuroma

The choice between plantar plate tear and neuroma is one that doctors often make when one of these conditions is suspected. This occurs when the ligament on the bottom of the foot, called the plantar fascia, becomes inflamed and starts to rub on the top of the arch. In this case, the pain can either be located in the heel or the ball of the foot. Both conditions can be extremely painful and cause considerable discomfort and pain.

If you think that you have plantar fasciitis, then your first step should be to go to the doctor. He will be able to run tests to find out whether or not you have plantar plate tear or neuroma. Your condition will be thoroughly evaluated and your doctor will prescribe treatment. Usually, the doctor will prescribe a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAID), such as ibuprofen or naproxen sodium, to relieve the pain. In addition, you may receive steroid injections to help control the inflammation.

The reason NSAID is used to control the pain is because it can reduce the inflammation and swelling. The anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce the irritation and pain caused by the plantar fascia rubbing on the heel bone and the ball of the foot. Once the plantar fascia has been sufficiently helped with NSAID, then you can try to do everything possible to keep the arch in good condition. You will probably still need to get plenty of rest so the inflammation does not become as severe.

Some people choose to use orthotics to treat their plantar fasciitis. They are custom-made devices which are used to provide traction for the arch. There are several types of plantar braces available, which are sometimes also referred to as bracing braces. They usually fit around the heel bone and the ball of the foot, where the brace’s goal is to help maintain the arch and keep the plantar fascia moving properly. Wearing a brace is most effective for first-time sufferers.

You should always wear the appropriate shoe for your activities. If there is pain when walking or running, you should avoid wearing shoes that are too flat or too high-heeled. Flat shoes with relatively flat heels are best for long-distance walking, while those with higher heels are better for short distance. If you are having pain while doing squats, then you should do them in socks with proper foot support, rather than in special shoes. Running in shoes with a low heel is the best choice when doing exercises like lunges because the arch will be held in place better.

Neuroma is not the sole cause of pain in the heel or foot, but it can increase the pain if it is not treated. If your neuroma is inflamed, you may feel a shooting pain or numbness down the leg from the heel to the ankle. The majority of cases are caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is the tissue that gives the plantar fascia its flexibility. It can also become inflamed after an injury, such as a broken bone, or when a nerve or ligament is injured.

In order to determine whether or not you have a plantar plate tear, an x-ray will be performed. It will show whether or not the bone has become damaged. Treatment involves the use of an interventional device, which is a strap that holds the plantar plate off the heel bone. This immobilizes the plantar fascia and allows it to heal.

In order to prevent recurrence of the pain, and to manage it if one occurs, the individual should remain on a good, stable diet. A low-salt, low-protein diet is recommended to help combat the pain. Shoes that are well-designed and specifically designed to prevent plantar fasciitis and even to provide relief during inflammation are available. There are several options available. The individual should consult with their podiatrist about the right shoe to prevent pain from occurring.